Greg Leslie

Brief Introduction

Name: Greg Leslie
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, UNSW Sydney
Designation Professor and Director
Employer UNSW Sydney
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Key areas of interest Multidisciplinary water research; community led development; potable reuse, industrial water recycling, membrane and advanced treatment, irrigation with saline water
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. Google Scholar: 

Professor Greg Leslie is the Director of the UNSW Global Water Institute, and the Director of the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology. Prior to joining UNSW, he worked in the public and private sector on water treatment, reuse and desalination projects in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States. His experience includes work on the NEWater recycling projects for the Singapore Public Utilities Board and the Groundwater Water Replenishment System at the Orange County Water District (OCWD) in California. He served on the World Health Organisation Technical Committee that developed guidelines for desalination, the Water Issue Committee for the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council and the Independent Advisory Panel for the Orange County Groundwater Replenishment Project. 

Research Project

Australian Research Council – Linkage Projects

Membrane distillation development for concentrated solar thermal systems, 2016- 2019

Adapting catchment monitoring and potable water treatment to climate change 2016- 2019

Mitigation of silica nanoparticle scaling in water treatment 2016- 2019

Australian Research Council – Discovery Project 

In-situ desalination with novel membranes for climate resilient irrigation 2017 – 2020

Algal control using multi-functional, cold plasma activated microbubbles, 2020 – 2022

Key Publications/Reports

Hristovski, G. Leslie, M. Henderson, N. Mirumachi, J. Markovski, R. ShRefaat, and M. Chadwick,  “Addressing the Arsenic Issue in the Lower Mekong Region—The Challenges and Systematic Approaches”, in Advances in water purification technology for developed and developing countries. S. Ahuja (Ed) Elsevier (2019) PP 259-271 ISBN: 978-0-12-814790-0Li, 

Li Q., Tan, J., Lian, B., Wang, Y., Le Clech, P., Liu, X, Leslie G & Taylor, R. (2019). An integrated, solar-driven membrane distillation system for water purification and energy generation. Applied Energy. 237, 534-548

Li, Q., Lian, B., Wang, Y., Taylor, R., Liu, X., Tan, J., & Leslie, G. (2018). Development of a mobile groundwater desalination system for communities in rural India. Water Research. 144, pp. 642-655 

Agostino, A., Moradi, S., Bustamante, H., Hamilton, L., Henderson, R. & Leslie, G. (2018). Tracking Changes in Natural Organic Matter Character in an Australian Drinking Water Catchment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 9 (9), 278-281.