Water matters to us in so many ways
Water is a global resource that matters to everyone and everything we do. More than ever, we need to understand and work together on water issues and challenges, now and in the future. And its issues need to be addressed with collective concerns, experiences, learnings and efforts.
With this aim, leading Australian and Indian institutions, government agencies and water businesses have come together and formed the Australia India Water Centre.
Australian contact
Distinguished Professor Basant Maheshwari
Director – AIWC
Western Sydney University
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NWS 2751
Dr Dharma Hagare,
AIWC Country Co-ordinator Australia
Indian contact
Professor Parmeswar Iyer
Co-Director AIWC
Director, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Prof. Subashisa Datta,
AIWC Country Co-ordinator, India
Prof. Suresh Kartha, Head, Centre for
Sustainable Water Research, hocswr@iitg.ac.in