Shu-Qing Yang

Brief Introduction

Name: Shu-Qing Yang
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Designation Assoc. Prof.
Employer Univ. of Wollongong
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Key areas of interest Water resources engineering, coastal engineering, sediment transport, hydraulics, turbulence with a focus on coastal reservoirs for harvesting runoff lost to the sea, SPP strategy to harvest clean water from a polluted waterways. 
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please.

Assoc. Prof. Yang was the director of Centre for Coastal Reservoir Research at University of Wollongong, Australia. He was a pioneer researcher/designer for the Three-Gorge-dam, China, one of the largest dams in the world. In USA, he studied water quality and environmental impacts of coastal lakes. In Singapore, he concentrated on the technology of coastal reservoirs and its improvement. He investigated the infeasibility of the South-North water diversion project, the largest one alike in the world. He helped initiation of Shanghai’s Qingcaosha coastal reservoir and got the city council’s award. He is the co-founder of the international association for Coastal Reservoir Research (IACRR). He developed the SPP strategy for clean water development from a polluted river system. In fundamental research, he has rectified Albert Einstein and his son’s mistakes in sediment transport theory. He developed the event-based average method to replace the Reynolds time-average method in fluid mechanics.

Research Project

  1. Coastal reservoirs as a sustainable strategy for Water Security, Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), India.
  2. International alliance for sustainable water resources development using coastal reservoir technology, UIC grants by Univ. of Wollongong, Australia

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Yang S.Q. (2019), Formula for sediment transport subject to vertical flows”, ASCE, JHE, 145(5), 04019013, pp1-11.
  2. Yang S.Q. and French R. (2018). “Coastal reservoirs – an Australian water storage option”, Australian Journal of Water Resources, 21:2, 89-97.
  3. Yang S.Q. (2015), “A preliminary feasibility study for a backup water supply-coastal reservoir in Southeast Queensland, Australia”. J. Water Supply-Research and Technology 64(4), 470-480
  4. Yang S.Q., Soon Keat Tan and Xi-Kun Wang. (2012) “Mechanism of secondary currents in open channel flows”. J. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117, F04014, doi:10.1029/2012JF002510.
  5. Yang S.Q. (2020), Coastal Reservoirs: a Technology That Can Quench Indian Thirst, Yadav, S.; Negm, A.; Yadava, R.N. (eds), Wastewater Assessment, Treatment, Reuse and  Development in India. Springer-Nature, Singapore. (IN PRESS).