Damodhara Rao Mailapalli

Brief Introduction

Name: Damodhara Rao Mailapalli
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, IIT Kharagpur, India
Designation Associate Professor
Employer IIT Kharagpur
Contact details:

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Home page link on your employer web site if available http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/AG/faculty/ag-mailapalli
Key areas of interest Irrigation hydraulics and Modeling, Surface and groundwater management, Nanofertilizers and environmental toxicity, Crop Modeling and Simulation, Nonpoint source agricultural pollution
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. Google Scholar:  https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=np9PCWEAAAAJ&hl=en

Dr. Mailapalli is currently working on 1) transdisciplinary approach for sustainable
management of groundwater, 2) on-farm water and nutrient management using advanced
irrigation and nutrient management techniques, 3) business strategic units pertaining to
unmanned areal systems and water quality testing, and 4) cyber physical systems for
efficient irrigation and nutrient application. He has worked with researchers from
universities and industries as well. Dr. Mailapalli is one of the Editorial Board Members of
the Journal of Water Resources and Protection. He has published more than 35 research
articles, 5 book chapters, 1 patent and 26 conference papers, and volunteered as a reviewer
for more than 20 research articles. He acquired $800,000 grant money through various
research projects. He has been supervising 8 PhD, 17 masters and 08 honours students in
the area water environment and sustainability.

Research Project

  1. Securing water for agricultural and food sustainability: developing Transdisciplinary approach to ground water management; Funding: SPARC-MHRD, Govt. of India.
  2. Soil matrix temperature gradient influence on migration of plant nutrients in soil; Funding: SRIC-IIT Kharagpur.
  3. Development and evaluation of real-time river-reservoir water quality advisory system; Funding: SERB-DST, Govt. of India

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Pradhan,S, Durgam, M, and Mailapalli, D.R., 2020. Urea loaded hydroxyapatite nanocarrier for efficient delivery of plant nutrients in rice, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 1-12.
  2. Shekhar, S., Mailapalli, D.R., Das, B.S., Raghuwanshi, N.S., 2019. Hydrus-1D model for Simulating Water Flow through Paddy Soils under Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Practice. Paddy and Water Environment, 18 (1): 73-85.
  3. Prasad, L. R. V. and Mailapalli, D. R., 2018. Evaluation of nitrogen fertilization patterns using DSSAT for enhancing grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49(12):1401-1417.
  4. Debnath, S., Mishra, A., Mailapalli, D.R., and Raghuwanshi, N.S., 2018. Quantifying Yield Gap for Rice Cropping Systems in Lower Gangetic Plains. Paddy and Water Environment, 16 (3):601-615, IF: 1.379.
  5. Dubey, A. and Mailapalli, D.R., 2018. Development of control release urea fertilizer model for water and nitrogen movement in flooded rice. Paddy and Water Environment, 16(1):1-13. IF: 1.379.