Brief Introduction

Name: Renji REMESAN
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, University of Bristol
Designation Assistant Professor
Employer Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 
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Key areas of interest land surface processes & environment

 Climate Impacts on Water Resources

 Catchment modelling and management


Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. Google Scholar:  

Renji Remesan is an assistant professor in water resources management and has over 10 years’ teaching, research and outreach experience. His research focusses on studies of hydrological processes and understanding the effects of interactions between water, atmosphere and landscape under current and future climate/land use conditions. He has work experiences with different UK universities (University of Bristol, University of Hull, Cranfield University and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford) on different projects relating to water and land resources.  He has several quality publications in peer-reviewed, international journals and been part of some funded research projects.

Research Project

  • PAVITR- Potential and Validation of Sustainable Natural and Advance Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Monitoring and Safe Water Reuse in India Department of Science and Technology(DST) 2019-2022 (As Co-PI)
  • Vulnerability and Risk Assessment due to Various Environmental Drivers in a Climate Change Scenario over Eastern India [DST, Climate Change Programme (SPLICE), As Co-PI]
  • Evaluating connectivity of Coupled Hydrologic-land Use-Human Systems through pathogen transport modeling (SRIC- ISIRD, 2017-2020, As PI) 
  • Development and Evaluation of Real-Time River-

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Das A, Gupta A.K, Remesan R. 2020. Current trends and prospects of Sediment deposition and distribution modeling in reservoirs. Proceedings ICE: Water management, (inpress)
  2. Remesan R, Begam S and Holman I. 2018. Effect of baseline snowpack assumptions in the HySIM model in predicting future hydrological behaviour of a himalayan catchment. Hydrology Research 50 (2): 691-708
  3. Remesan R, Bray M and Mathew J. 2018. PCA and Cluster Analysis as Data Selection Indicators in Hybrid Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 31(2) 137-152
  4. Soundharajan, B., Adeloye, A.J. and Remesan, R. 2016. Evaluating the variability in surface water reservoir planning characteristics during climate change impacts assessment. Journal of Hydrology. 538, 625–639. 
  5. Remesan R, Holman, I., Chatrabgoun O, Daneshkhah, A, 2016. Modeling flood characterizations with parametric and minimum information Pair-Copula. Journal of Hydrology. 540, 469–487