Archana M Nair

Brief Introduction

Name:Archana M Nair
Highest qualification and awarding universityPhD from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
DesignationAssociate Professor
EmployerIndian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Contact details: Email:WhatsApp number/Mobile number
Home page link on your employer web site if available
Key areas of interestGroundwater Hydrogeology, Isotope Hydrology
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please.

Archana M Nair currently works at the Earth System Science and Engineering Group, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. She worked as a scientist at NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram for five years and as a Petroleum Engineer at Shell for three years before joining I.I.T Guwahati.  Archana does research in, Hydrogeology, Spectral Remote Sensing and Petroleum Engineering. Her current research areas are groundwater hydrogeology, remote sensing and GIS applications in Earth and Planetary Science, Carbon sequestration and Rock physics modelling

Research Project

Project TitleFunding AgencyYear of SanctionRoleStatus
Study of Glacial Dynamics and Sustainable Hydrological Resources in Arunachal HimalayaNational Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, DST, GoI2020Co-PIOngoing
Study on the reflectance and thermal emission spectral characteristics of Orthopyroxene bearing Granitic rocks for Terrestrial and Planetary Remote SensingSERB Core Grant2017PICompleted
Modelling Ground water recharge index in the context of land use changes due to urbanisation for Greater Cochin urban agglomerateMOES NCESS2014PICompleted
Impact of Land use changes on groundwater for Cochin CityKSCSTE Research Grant2012PICompleted

Key Publications/Reports

  • Aneesh TD, Nair, A.M., Prasad, K.R. and Srinivas, R., 2022. Groundwater vulnerability assessment of an urban coastal phreatic aquifer in India using GIS-based DRASTIC model. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 19, p.100810.
  • S Kumar, AB Devi, D Deka, and Nair, A.M., 2022. A Climate Zone Perspective on Spatiotemporal Variations in GRACE Derived Groundwater Storage (GWS) in India.  Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
  • Devi, A.B., Deka, D., Aneesh, T.D., Srinivas, R. and Nair, A.M., 2022. Predictive modelling of land use land cover dynamics for a tropical coastal urban city in Kerala, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(5), pp.1-19
  • Devi, A.B. and Nair, A.M., 2021. Effects of urbanisation in a shallow coastal aquifer: An integrated GIS-based case study in Cochin, India. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 15, p.100656.
  • Aneesh TD, R Srinivas, AT Singh, T. R Resmi, Nair, A. M., B. L. Redkar (2019) Stable water isotope signatures of dual monsoon precipitation: A case study of Greater Cochin region, south-west coast of India. Journal of Earth System Science 128:210, DOI: 10.1007/s12040-019-1234-2. Springer.