Brajesh Singh

Brief Introduction

Name: Brajesh Singh
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, Imperial College, London, UK
Designation Professor
Employer Western Sydney University
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Key areas of interest Agriculture, environmental science irrigation, water-use efficiency, water microbiology with focus on industry and policy engagements.
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please.

Prof Singh’s research has advanced critical areas of ecosystem science, particularly linking soil biodiversity to key ecosystem functions and services and has developed tools to improve farm productivity and environmental sustainability. This includes climate adaptation tools for the agriculture industry, management solutions to increase soil organic matter, increased export market access for agriculture produces, and training for farmers, consultants and policy advisors in sustainable agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Research Project

  1. Smart Management of Disinfectant in Chloraminated Water-Supply Systems (Australian Research council Linkage).
  2. A novel framework to identify, predict and improve efficiency of bioremediation technology, Cooperative Research Centre- CARE, 
  3. Colonisation by Aliens: Ecological process that governs microbial colonisations of new habitats. Australian Research Council (Discovery Project),

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Delgado-Baquerizo M, Reich PB, Trivedi C, Eldridge DJ, Abades S, Alfaro FD, Bastida F, Berhe AA, Cutler NA, Gallardo A, Garcia-Velazquez L, Hart SC, Hayes PE, He JZ, Hseu ZY, Hu HW, Kirchmair M, Neuhauser S, Perez CA, Reed SC, Santos F, Sullivan BW, Trivedi P, Wang JT, Weber-Grullon L, Williams MA, Singh BK, (2020) ‘Multiple elements of soil biodiversity drive ecosystem functions across biomes’, Nature Ecology & Evolution, vol.4, no.2, pp 210-220
  2. Egidi E, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Plett JM, Wang JT, Eldridge DJ, Bardgett RD, Maestre FT, Singh BK, (2019) ‘A few Ascomycota taxa dominate soil fungal communities worldwide’, Nature Communications, vol.10, Article no.2369
  3. Jeffries TC, Rayu S, Nielsen UN, Lai KT, Ijaz A, Nazaries L, Singh BK, (2018) ‘Metagenomic Functional Potential Predicts Degradation Rates of a Model Organophosphorus Xenobiotic in Pesticide Contaminated Soils’, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol.9, Article no.147
  4. Singh BK, (2018) ‘Creating new business, economic growth and regional prosperity through microbiome-based products in the agriculture industry’, Microbial Biotechnology, vol.10, no.2, pp 224-227, Special Issue: SI
  5. Delgado-Baquerizo M, Oliverio AM, Brewer TE, Benavent-Gonzalez A, Eldridge DJ, Bardgett RD, Maestre FT, Singh BK, Fierer N, (2018) ‘A global atlas of the dominant bacteria found in soil’, Science, vol.359, no.6373, pp 320-325