Rejuvenation of the springs in the Himalayan region-Evaluation of options and Strategies

Thesis title: Rejuvenation of the springs in the Himalayan region-Evaluation of options and Strategies – Dr. Neeraj Pant Principal Supervisor: Prof. Dharma Hagare Aim: Rejuvenation of springs in the Himalayan region using scientific and community-centric approaches. Springs are an important part of the livelihood in the Himalayan region. My PhD project was instrumental in collecting […]

Dams Safety and Rehabilitation

India has about 6000 large dams, the highest number of dams in the world. Many of these large dams are getting old, and their safety is of immense concern to India. The Government of India, with support from the World Bank, has initiated a multi-billion-dollar Dam Rehabilitation Improvement Project’ (DRIP) program to improve dam safety […]

WaterWise: The AIWC blog for ‘Sustainable Water Futures’

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 and agenda 2030 recognises the role of water in human development. The goal of SGD 6 is to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. The covid 19 pandemic also emphasises the  importance of sanitation, hygiene and adequate access to clean water for preventing and containing […]