David Tissue

Brief Introduction

Name: David Tissue
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Designation Distinguished Professor
Employer Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment

Western Sydney University

Contact details:

  1. Email:
  2. WhatsApp number/Mobile number
0420 946 174 (Australia)

+61 420 946 174 (International)

Home page link on your employer web site if available https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/hie/people/researchers/professor_david_tissue
Key areas of interest Plant physiology; climate change; crop productivity; plant response to drought, floods and heatwaves 
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=auoXupcAAAAJ&hl=en

Distinguished Professor David Tissue is a plant physiologist with >35 years-experience assessing plant response to environmental conditions, including temperature and water stress, in managed and native ecosystems and has published > 235 peer-reviewed papers on these topics. He is Scientific Research Director for the National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre (NVPCC), Program 2 Scientific Research leader for the CRC Future Foods project and Discipline Leader for Agriculture and Food Science. He has conducted projects on cotton response to elevated CO2, temperature, drought, flooding and heatwaves in the field and controlled environments. Prof Tissue has mentored more than 30 graduate students and 15 post-docs.

Research Project

  1. Horticulture Innovation Australia. 2017-2021. Research and operations to trial innovative glass and photovoltaic technologies in protected cropping. VG16070. (Tissue, Chen, Cazzonelli, Ghannoum, Anderson, Rakhesh). $799,000.
  2. Horticulture Innovation Australia. 2017-2022. National Centre for Innovation in Protected Cropping of Vegetables. VG17003. (Anderson, Sweeney, Tissue, Chen, Thompson). $3,000,000.
  3. Australian Research Council Discovery. 2018-2020. Grassland response to variable rainfall regimes (Medlyn, Power, Pendall, Tissue, Knapp, Smith). $485,949.
  4. Cooperative Research Centre. 2019-2029. Future Food Systems. (Ayre, Anderson, Tissue, Chen, and > 40 others). $40 million from Australian government and ca. $140 million from industry.
  5. Cotton Research and Development Corporation. 2021. Synthetic biology opportunities in the cotton industry. (Sharwood, Gamble, Conaty, Tissue).

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Broughton KJ, RA Smith, RA Duursma, DKY Tan, P Payton, MP Bange, and DT Tissue. 2017. Warming negates the positive impact of elevated [CO2] on cotton growth and physiology during soil water deficit. Functional Plant Biology 44: 267-278.
  2. Osanai Y, DT Tissue, MP Bange, MV Braunack, IC Anderson, BK Singh. 2017. Flooding and drought impacts on crop productivity and soil nutrients under the current and future CO2 and temperature regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 246: 343-353.
  3. Nguyen LTT, Y Osanai, IC Anderson, MP Bange, DT Tissue and BK Singh. 2018. Flooding and prolonged-drought have differential legacy impacts on soil nitrogen cycling, microbial communities, and plant productivity. Plant and Soil 431: 371-387.
  4. Li X, R Smith, B Choat, and DT Tissue. 2020. Drought resistance of cotton is promoted by early stomatal closure and leaf shedding. Functional Plant Biology 47: 91-98. doi: 10.1071/FP18238.
  5. Li X, W Shi, K Broughton, R Smith, R Sharwood, P Payton, M Bange and DT Tissue. 2020. Impacts of growth temperature, water deficit and heatwaves on carbon assimilation and growth of cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany  doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104204.