Dr. Alok Kumar

Brief Introduction

Name: Dr. Alok Kumar
Highest qualification and awarding university Ph.D.
Designation Assistant Professor
Employer Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
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Home page link on your employer web site if available www.bhu.ac.in
Key areas of interest Isotope geology, Geochemistry
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or Research Gate (if available); only one of them please. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alok_Kumar43

Dr. Alok Kumar did his M.Sc. in Geology from Banaras Hindu university, Varanasi in 2004 after completion of his masters he joined PRL, Ahmedabad in 2005 as a research scholar in the field of isotope hydrology and subsequently he worked on geochemical and isotopic studies on samples derived Mud volcano and Barren Island volcano, Andaman for his doctoral thesis. He joined Geological survey of India in December 2012 as a Geologist and served more than 5 years in different regions in India. In January 2018, he joined Banaras Hindu university as an Assistant professor and working till now. Presently he is engage in teaching and research in the field of geochemistry and Isotope geology in the department.  

Research Project

  1. Geochemical, Isotopic and tectono-magmatic evolution of ophiolite suite from South Ladakh region, Leh district, J & K, India funded by UGC.
  2. Deccan Traps Rhyolites: Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Physical volcanology, funded by IOE, BHU

Key Publications/Reports

  • Origin of gases and water in mud volcanoes of Andaman accretionary prism: implications for fluid migration in forearcs, Chemical Geology, J. S. Ray, A. Kumar A.K. Sudheer, R.D. Deshpande, D.K. Rao, D.J. Patil, N. Awasthi, R. Bhutani, R. Bhushan, A.M. Dayal:  ISSN: 0009-2541 (2013), 347, 102 – 113. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.03.015 (Impact Factor – 3.570)
  • Oxygen and Hydrogen isotopic compositions of water from few selected Himalayan Rivers, A. Kumar, D. K. Rao and S. K. Bhattacharya, India 12th ISMAS symposium cum workshop on mass spectrometry, March 25-30, 2007, Goa, ISBN 81-7525-056-9
  • Volcanology and eruptive history of the Barren Island volcano, Andaman Sea, H. C. Sheth, J. S. Ray, R. Bhutani, A. Kumar, R. S. Smitha, Bulletin of Volcanology , ISSN: 0258-8900 (2009), 71, 1021-1039. DOI: 10.1007/s00445-009-0280-z.(Impact Factor – 2.67)
  • Toothpaste lava from Barren Island Volcano (Andaman Sea), H. C. Sheth, J. S. Ray, A. Kumar, R. Bhutani, N. Awasthi : Journal of Volcanological and Geothermal Research, ISSN: 0377-0273(2011) 202, 73-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.01.006 (Impact Factor – 2.54)
  • Geochemistry of Mud Breccia and Water from Mud Volcanoes of Andaman Island A. Kumar and J. S. Ray, SE05-A023, AOGS 2010.