Dr. Karen Barker

Brief Introduction

Name:Karen Barker
Highest qualification and awarding universityPhD University of Melbourne
EmployerAustralia India Institute, University of Melbourne
Contact details:Email:WhatsApp number/Mobile numberkareneb@unimelb.edu.au 
Home page link on your employer web site if available
Key areas of interestAustralia-India education and research
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please.

Karen Barker leads project management at the Australia India Institute, with a focus on government projects supporting the bilateral education relationship. She also leads the operations team that supports the Institute’s work, including research and engagement activities. Dr Barker has over a decade of experience in international education and, until 2017, led the International Partnerships team, part of the University of Melbourne’s International Relations Office. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the Australian National University, and a Bachelor of Letters, Masters in Tertiary Education Management and a PhD from the University of Melbourne.