Dr. Mahanand B S

Brief Introduction

Name: Dr. Mahanand B S
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India
Designation Associate Professor
Employer JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru
Contact details:

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  2. WhatsApp number/Mobile number
+91 9448335403
Home page link on your employer web site if available https://jssstuniv.in/
Key areas of interest Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or Research Gate (if available); only one of them please. https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=hT0CKyAAAAAJ&hl=en

Dr. Mahanand B S is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Science and Engineering, JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru. He was a Raman postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA. He received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology, Chikkamagaluru, the Master of Technology degree in Computer Engineering and the Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University. Dr. Mahanand was a visiting researcher at Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. He was a research associate in the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He was also a visiting scientist at Bilkent University, Turkey.

Research Project

Principal Investigator, Development of efficient tool for Accurate Digital Image Registration, Research Promotion Scheme (RPS), AICTE, New Delhi. F.No.:8023/BOR/RPS-94/2006-07 (Rs. 5.75 lakhs) – Completed.

Key Publications/Reports

  1. S.Vigneshwaran, B. S. Mahanand, S. Suresh, and N. Sundararajan, “Identifying differences in brain activities and an accurate detection of autism spectrum disorder using resting state functional-magnetic resonance imaging : A spatial filtering approach”, Medical Image Analysis – Elsevier, Vol. 35, p375–389, January 2017. (Impact Factor: 11.148)
  2. B. S. Mahanand, Bruce Fischl, David H. Salat, “Factors influencing accuracy of cortical thickness in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease”, Human Brain Mapping – Wiley, Vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1500-1515, April 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.421)
  3. S V Aruna Kumar, B. S. Harish, B. S. Mahanand, and N. Sundararajan. “An efficient Meta-cognitive Fuzzy C-Means clustering approach.” Applied Soft Computing – Elsevier, Vol. 85, p105838, December 2019. (Impact Factor: 5.472)
  4. S.Vigneshwaran, S. Suresh, N. Sundararajan and B. S. Mahanand “Accurate Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder from Structural MRI using Extended Metacognitive Radial Basis Function Network”, Expert Systems with Applications – Elsevier, Vol. 42, No. 22, pp. 8775–8790, December 2015. (Impact Factor: 5.452)
  5. G. Sateesh Babu, S.Suresh and B. S. Mahanand, “A novel PBL-McRBFN-RFE approach for Identification of Critical Brain Regions Responsible for Parkinson’s disease”, Expert Systems with Applications – Elsevier, Vol. 41, pp. 478–488, February 2014. (Impact Factor: 5.452)