Dr. Mudalagiriyappa

Brief Introduction

Name: Dr. Mudalagiriyappa
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Designation Chief Scientist
Employer University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Contact details:

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Home page link on your employer web site if available
Key areas of interest Soil and water conservation, precision agriculture, weed science, conservation agriculture
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=YfKU6ZwAAAAJ 

Dr. Mudalagiriyappa involved in multi-disciplinary research, mainly on natural resource management with emphasis on precision nutrient and water management both under rainfed and irrigated eco systems and weed dynamics. His research is focused on the rural-urban interface of Bangalore-A space of transitions in agriculture, economics and society for sustainable production on soil and water quality. One of the important areas of his current research is conservation agriculture with more emphasis on soil carbon enrichment under rainfed agriculture along with development of climate resilient agricultural practices for higher productivity of nutrient, water and use of crops sensors in agriculture.

Research Project

  1. Studies on Conservation Agriculture in different cropping systems, funded by ICAR, New Delhi.
  2. The rural-urban interface of Bangalore: A space of transitions in Agriculture, Economics and Society: Indo-German Collaborative Project, funded through DBT, GOI.
  3. National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture: Funded by ICAR, New Delhi.

Key Publications/Reports

  1. Thimmegowda, M. N., Mudalagiriyappa, Puneetha, K. M., Savitha, M. S., Vasanthi, B. G., Devaraja, k. and Jayashree, H.T.  2018, Evaluation of different integrated nutrient management approaches for sustainable productivity of finger millet + pigeonpea cropping system under rainfed condition, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (6): 1039-1041.
  2. Supriya Dayananda, Thomas Astor , Jayan Wijesingha, Subbarayappa Chickadibburahalli Thimappa , Hanumanthappa Dimba Chowdappa , Mudalagiriyappa, Rama Rao Nidamanuri, Sunil Nautiyal and Michael Wachendorf, 2019. Multi-Temporal Monsoon Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyper spectral Imaging, Remote Sens., 11(15), 1771.
  3. Veeresh Hatti, B. K. Ramachandrappa and Mudalagiriyappa, 2018. Weed dynamics in conservation agricultural systems as influenced by conservation tillage and nutrient management practices under rainfed finger millet. Indian Journal of Weed Science. 50(4): 355–364.
  4. Mudalagiriyappa, Thimmegowda M. N., Vasanthi B. G., Puneetha K. M and Narayana Hebbal 2019.  Integrated farming system for sustainability and livelihood security- success story offarmer of Bengaluru Rural district, Mys. J. Agr. Sci., 53(1): 88-92.