Rishikesh Bharti

Brief Introduction

Name: Rishikesh Bharti
Highest qualification and awarding university PhD  Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Designation Assistant Professor
Employer Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Contact details:

  1. Email:
  2. WhatsApp number/Mobile number
+91 8011363603
Home page link on your employer web site if available https://www.iitg.ac.in/rbharti/
Key areas of interest Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS; Hydrogeomorphology; Glaciology; Micro-climate Studies; Role of the Ocean-Atmospheric Interactions in the Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes.
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or Research Gate (if available); only one of them please. http://www.scholar.google.com/citations?user=_HClKrEAAAAJ&hl=en

Faculty member at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. With the 11 years’ of experience in geoinformatics (Remote Sensing and GIS) technology and its applications in the Earth Sciences, I have dedicated myself in earth and planetary studies such as hydro-geomorphology, snow and glacier studies, spectroscopy of natural and manmade materials and Martian surface exploration. I am actively involved in the research works with ISRO and DRDO to establish a spectroscopy lab (with equipment) for the UG/PG students of our institute.

Research Project

  1. “Geological and fluvial studies of Martian surface using the data of Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer and Mars Colour Camera” funded by ISRO.
  2. “Risk assessment of floating debris dominated flash floods in trans-boundary upper Himalayan catchments” funded by DRDO.

Key Publications/Reports

  1. A. Dixit, Lekshmi K, Rishikesh Bharti* and C. Mahanta, Net Sea–Air CO2 Fluxes and Modeled Partial Pressure of CO2 in Open Ocean of Bay of Bengal. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019.
  2. V. G. Rangarajan, Rishikesh Bharti*, S. K. Mondal, C. Pradhan, S. Dutta, Remote Sensing for Martian Studies: Inferences from Syrtis Major. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2018. 
  3. Rishikesh Bharti* and D. Ramakrishnan, Exploring the unusual uranium enrichment zones in the Thar Desert, India, using remote sensing, GIS and gamma-ray spectroscopy. Remote Sensing Letters, 2015, 6(7), 509-518. 
  4. C. Pradhan, Rishikesh Bharti*, S. Dutta, Assessment of post-impoundment geomorphic variations along Brahmani River using remote sensing. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 23–28, 2017, 5598-5601. 
  5. D. Ramakrishnan and Rishikesh Bharti*, Hyperspectral remote sensing and geological applications. Current Science; Special Section: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, 2015, 108(5), 879-891.