Name: | Vivek L. Manekar |
Highest qualification and awarding university | Ph. D. VNIT, Nagpur |
Designation | Professor |
Employer | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India |
Contact details:
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+919904003865 | |
Home page link on your employer web site if available | |
Key areas of interest | Ago-Climatic Modelling, Hydrodynamic Flood Modelling, Impact of LULC & Climate Change on Water Resources, Sediment Laden Flow Modelling and Simulation. |
Web links for your research profile on Google scholar; ORCID or ResearchGate (if available); only one of them please. | Google scholar,5 |
Vivek Manekar is presently working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and appointed as ‘Adjunct Professor’ at SCOE, Washim of SGBB University, Amravati.He has more than 32 years of experience in teaching, research, and consultancy in the field of hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering. He has experience, working in different fields of Water Resources Engineering including management of on field irrigation system, agro-climatic modelling, hydraulic and hydrologic modelling, sediment transportmodelling and simulation, flow structure interaction, flood management and impact of changing climate and LULC on water resources.He has many research papers in the reputed international / national journals and conference proceedings, guided several Ph.D. thesis, and completed many consultancy projects and handling of externally funded research projects to his credit.
Research Project
- Estimation of near field concentrations of KAPS discharged radionuclides (3H,137Cs,60Co) in the aquatic environs of Moticherlake (As CI); Funding: BRNS Secretariat, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
- Flow Structure and Turbulence; Funding: DST-FIST, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India New Delhi
Key Publications/Reports
- Nitin Bharadiya and Vivek Manekar, (2015). “Development of agro-climatic wheat yield model for Surat district, India using dimensional analysis”, Journal of AgrometeorologyVol.17 (2):223-226, December 2015
- Ravi Shah, Nitin Bharadiya, Vivek Manekar, (2015). “Drought Index Computation Using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Method for Surat District, Gujarat” Aquatic Procedia, Science Direct, Elsevier, Vol. 4, March 2015.
- Kadbhane SJ, Manekar VL. “An experimental study of the surface and subsurface irrigation methods with respect to soil moisture on grape yard”, Journal of Water and Land Development, 31(1):73-85, Dec 1, 2016
- Kadbhane Sharad J., Manekar Vivek L., (2017). “An experimental study on the grape orchard: comparison of two irrigation systems.” Journal of Water and Land Development Vol. 32 (I – III): 41-51, Mar 1, 2017.
- Andharia, B. R., Patel, P. L., Manekar, V. L., & Porey, P. D. (2018). “Numerical and experimental studies in prediction of bed levels of aggrading channels”. CURRENT SCIENCE, 114(8), 1697-1708, Apr 25, 2018.